Monksgrange Archives are enhanced by ensuring the preservation and long term care of its collections by increasing access, widening its audience , overcoming barriers and building relationships with the wider community.
Monksgrange Archives: some of the archival boxes and filing cabinets
The trust was established in 1968 with the objective of advancing education. An annual Memorial lecture is funded by the Trust which is a registered charity with tax exemption status and is a non profit organisation. Continuing fundraising and grant aid is used to support conservation and storage of Monksgrange Archives which are in the ownership of the Trust - RCY20009526 CHY5872
Oversight of the administration, maintenance and work of the Archives is maintained by an Advisory Committee which reports to the Trustees of EROT. Current members are G. Doran (Archivist - Wexford County Council) J. Glynn (Enniscorthy Library) M. Seebach (Youthwork Ireland) and J. Hill (Archives manager).
Monksgrange Archives has a working relationship with the Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses and Estates, Dept. of History, National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Research projects will be established by the University. On going projects include conservation/preservation and digitisation of archived material.
ANNUAL REPORT (sponsor sought for annual accountancy costs; please contact us. Your name can be displayed)
The annual financial report of the Trust is reproduced below.
Edward Richards-Orpen Memorial Trust Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2023
Monksgrange Archives 27002
Cash at bank 2699
Total: 29701
Reserves 30547
deficit -846
Total: 29701
Donations 1708
Resource inc. & fees 246
Sale of books 298
​Total 2252
Lecture fee 1235
Website 222
Advertising 300
Conservation 394
Repairs/Maint. 57
Bank fees 40
Accountancy 850
​​​Total 3098
Profit/Loss -846