The Trustees are grateful to The Heritage Council and Wexford County Council - Creative Ireland for their generous grant aid, past and present, to Monksgrange Archives for conversation and preservation and the on-going care of collections.

We are pleased to be a Participating Institution in the Beyond 2022 Project.

We are pleased to be a member of Irish Museums Association

Monksgrange Archives are owned by the charitable, not-for-profit Edward Richards-Orpen Memorial Trust RCN#20009526, CHY#5872. The Trust has set a target of €50,000 over the five years to 2023 for the conservation, maintenance and education programmes associated with the archives. It relies on subscriptions, donations, grants and bequests to fund its activities. You can help by making a donation, becoming a Friend or leaving a bequest in your will. Your kind contribution will help secure Monksgrange Archives in perpetuity for public benefit.​​
Please use a Donate button at the bottom of the page if you wish to donate.
If you would like to make a contribution to the future of Monksgrange Archives by leaving a gift in your will, please contact Jeremy Hill at grangearchives@gmail.com or your personal lawyer.
The Edward Richards-Orpen Memorial Trust is registered with the Charities Regulatory Authority:
RCN 20009526 CHY 5872.
Trustees: John Leeson (1977), Jeremy Hill (1983),
Morgan Kavanagh (2017), Emmeline Seebach (2017), Andrew Whiteside (2018).
Rick Valentine (2019) Ben HIll (2019.)